Board Effectiveness workshop with CoSteer

Board Effectiveness workshop with CoSteer


Comsure, with its governance expert partner CoSteer, wish to invite you to a complimentary CPD EVENT

The event will help you understand a critical JFSC regulatory codified requirement to Assess Governance Arrangements, their Adequacy and their Effectiveness

Furthermore, the event will give you the confidence to implement a governance assessment and Board Effectiveness programme


Comsure, with its governance expert partner and event speaker Perrin Carey - Chief Murmuration Officer at CoSteer, has designed a workshop to help delegates understand and take away tools to implement an assessment to meet the following regulatory requirement:

All aspects of corporate governance arrangements must be subject to appropriately regular review to ensure their continuing adequacy in light of the registered person's business activities and risk profiles and include a periodic self-assessment, or external assessment, of the board's effectiveness.

The above statement, as shown below, is built into multiple codes of practices

Event image


The workshop will highlight and guide delegates through measuring the three foundational and interconnected elements of Board effectiveness, these being:

  1. Board culture
  2. Decision-making, and
  3. Oversight of Decision implementation

Against these x3 critical elements, the speakers will highlight and guide delegates through 36 measures that interconnect to assess both the governance arrangements and board effectiveness using behavioural science, psychology and other aspects of human bias mitigation.


Perrin founded Perrin Carey Limited. now CoSteer® in 2020 after an impressive corporate career in the C-suite of a UK plc.

Perrin is a highly experienced, professionally qualified Fellow of the International Compliance Association (FICA) with a Post-Grad in Corporate governance.

  • He has worked at the executive level in compliance, risk management and governance for over 15 years, involving financial services, eGaming, UK Higher Education and regulatory authorities.
  • He advises, supports and works with organisations to guide them towards designing, implementing and monitoring better governance systems and organisational culture.
  • He is a researcher in organisational culture, a qualified teacher, speaker and leadership coach and a former university lecturer with a pragmatic but evidence-based approach to this most challenging area. He is passionate about changing the narrative surrounding governance, risk and compliance and their integration with organisational culture.
  • He works towards a more human-based governance with organisations to move them towards a more dynamic, supple and responsive business model that promotes long-term growth, shareholder value, sustainability, consumer confidence and regulatory compliance.

And as principal of CoSteer, he created GOVindicia® a regulatory technology and assessment model of governance aligned with Corporate Governance Codes worldwide.


Comsure, with its governance expert partner CoSteer, wish to invite you to a complimentary CPD EVENT