Good Governance a Comsure Masterclass
Comsure [THE COMPLIANCE GUYS] is excited to announce its first #Jersey collaborative workshop event with CoSteer® [THE GOVERNANCE GUYS] on 5th October 2022. The event name is:-
- "Assessing Governance Effectiveness and Culture."
You are all welcome to join us, and you can register here.
- You are responsible for steering [governing] your boat [business] and want a comprehensive, innovative, and evidence-based way of working towards Governance, Risk and Compliance ❤️
- You want to learn how to incorporate a systems approach with transparent monitoring of progress and emphasise the importance of organisational culture ❤️
- You want to stop ticking boxes and meaningless spreadsheets ❤️
- You wish to re-position governance as a driver of financial performance in the long-term ❤️
- You see that organisational purpose is at the heart of good governance ❤️
You can register here.
This event will help in directing attendees in understanding the interconnection and measurable outcomes between;
- The purpose of your organisation;
- The values of employees and the behaviour exhibited;
- The resulting culture from the above [two points].
- The mistakes of a tick box approach
- The evidence of good governance and the global shift in governance and organisational culture [FRC, BRT, ISO, KING IV, FCA, JFSC and many others]
- The importance and science behind "purpose and values-based" governance
- How humans make decisions as individuals and as groups and how your organisational culture influences this.