Don’t let your organisation be held back by poorly written policies and procedures.

Policies and procedures should be one of the first places managers and staff go to when they have any doubts about what they should do.

The problem is, people often find it hard to write them well.

It’s one of those tasks that often doesn’t seem like a priority when you’ve got so many other things to do.

Inadequate or missing policies and procedures are some of the main reasons why staff fined themselves stuck, wasting time or making mistakes.

Sometimes, they have to deal with contradictory information.

They can also find it hard to find the right advice quickly.

Your policies and procedures will also come under the spotlight if things go seriously wrong.

Comsure have assisted with:

  1. Writing and reviewing policies and procedures
  2. Advising on business risk assessments
  3. Formulating compliance monitoring programmes
  4. Check sheets
  5. Compliance testing sheets

In dealing with the above Comsure have taken great care to ensure documents are operational and practical