The JFSC added lots of additional information to its ML/PF/TF source webpage.
The JFSC updated its ML/PF/TF guidance and source webpage on 28 November 2024
- Issued: 05 July 2022 - Last revised 28 November 2024
The JFCS says this ML/PF/TF source webpage guidance.
- Sets out information resources for supervised persons to obtain a deeper understanding of money laundering (ML), terrorist financing (TF) and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (PF) to comply with Jersey’s anti-money laundering (AML)/countering in the funding of terrorism (CFT)/countering of the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) (CPF) regimes.
- Is general and does not constitute, nor should it be construed as, legal advice or a mandatory list of information sources.
- It is complimentary and should be read with the AML/CFT/CPF Handbook.
The JFSC says the sources listed below are intended to provide examples of relevant open-source resources.
JFSC Comparison ML/TF/PF
Jersey national risk assessment and supporting webinars.
Money Laundering
The below events date back to the initial ML/ national risk assessment (2020):
- National Risk Assessments (JFSC)
- Webinar: National Risk Assessment webinar: Trust Company Business (JFSC)
- Webinar: National Risk Assessment: Banking sector (JFSC)
- Webinar: National Risk Assessment: Funds Sector (JFSC)
- Webinar: National Risk Assessment: Investment Business Sector (JFSC)
- Webinar: What the National Risk Assessment means for accountants (JFSC)
- Webinar: What the National Risk Assessment means for Jersey’s finance industry (JFSC)
- Webinar: What the National Risk Assessment means for lawyers (JFSC)
- Webinar: What the National Risk Assessment means for lenders, estate agents, casinos and money service businesses (JFSC)
Terrorist financing
The below events date back to the initial TP and NPO national risk assessments (2021):
- National Risk Assessments (JFSC)
- Webinar: Terrorist Financing and non-profit organisations (JFSC, JCC & JOA)
- Webinar: National Risk Assessment for Terrorist Financing (JFSC and Government)
Proliferation financing
Information to follow. Jersey is in the process of undertaking its first national PF risk assessment.
Additional JFSC and Government of Jersey guidance
Money Laundering / Terrorist Financing / Proliferation Financing
- Appendix D1 – Countries and territories for which a FATF call for action applies (JFSC)
- Appendix D2 – Countries and territories identified as presenting higher risks (higher risk ML) (JFSC)
- Supervisory examination reports (JFSC)
- AML/CFT Examination Reports (JFSC)
- Public Statements (JFSC)
Money Laundering
Terrorist Financing
- Introduction to Terrorist Financing (JFSC and Government)
- Terrorist Financing (JFSC)
- Targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism and terrorist financing (JFSC)
- Counter-Terrorism sanctions regime (JFSC)
- International Counter-Terrorism sanctions regime (JFSC)
- ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida terrorist organisations sanctions regime (JFSC)
- Sanctions: Afghanistan — Jersey Financial Services Commission (jerseyfsc.org)
- Financial sanctions practical guidance (JFSC)
Proliferation Financing
- Countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its financing guidance (JFSC)
- Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation financing – North Korea (DPRK) and Iran (JFSC)
- North Korea (DPRK) sanctions regime (JFSC)
- Iran (Nuclear) sanctions regime (JFSC)
- Proliferation and Proliferation Financing of weapons of mass destruction (JFSC)
- Screening goods of proliferation concern and their means of delivery (JFSC)
- Proliferation Financing overview with Darya Dolzikova (Gov.je)
- Proliferation Financing Q&A with Darya Dolzikova and Richard Pedley (Gov.je)
- Financial sanctions practical guidance (JFSC)
- Sanctions by country and category (JFSC)
- Case studies (JFSC)
- Sanctions obligations and sanctions evasion techniques (JFSC)[IL2] [PH3]
- Thematic examination on sanctions screening (JFSC)[IL4] [IL5]
- Targeted Financial Sanctions related to proliferation and proliferation Financing – North Korea (DPRK) and Iran (JFSC)
- Targeted Financial Sanctions related to terrorism and terrorist financing (JFSC)
- Jersey Gazette: Financial Sanctions Notices (Gov.je)
- Financial industry and Russian sanctions (Gov.je)
- Webinar: Russia sanctions regime (JFSC & Gov.je)
- Webinar: Russia sanctions regime update (JFSC & Gov.je)
- Oil Price Cap Coalition Issues Compliance and Enforcement Alert (Gov.je)
Additional information, reports and guidance documents
Money Laundering
- FATF Recommendations
- Money Laundering- Financial Actions Task Force (FATF)
- Money Laundering – United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- Money Laundering - US Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
- Money Laundering - European Commission (EC)
- Money Laundering – UK Joint Money Laundering Steering Group’s Guidance (JMLSG)
- Money Laundering Through the Physical Transportation of Cash (FATF)
- Money Laundering Risks Arising from Trafficking of Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants (FATF)
- Money Laundering Using New Payment Methods (FATF)
- Money Laundering Using Trust and Company Service Providers (FATF)
- Money Laundering Vulnerabilities of Free Trade Zones (FATF)
- Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Securities Sector (FATF)
- Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks Arising from Migrant Smuggling (FATF)
- Vulnerabilities of Casinos and Gaming Sector (FATF)
- Professional Money Laundering (FATF)
- 2022 Typology report: Methods and trend of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (APG)
- Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-enabled Fraud (FATF)
- Art Market Participants, AML and Financial Crime Vulnerabilities - May 2021 (UK NECC)
- Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Art and Antiquities Market - February 2023 (FATF)
- Countering of Ransomware Financing - March 2023 (FATF)
Terrorist Financing
- Terrorism and Radicalisation (SoJP)
- Terrorist Financing (FATF)
- Ethnically or Racially Motivated Terrorism Financing (FATF)
- Terrorist Financing Disruption Strategies (FATF)
- Financing of Recruitment for Terrorist Purposes (FATF)
- Terrorist Financing in West Africa (FATF)
- Emerging Terrorist Financing Risks (FATF)
- Risk of Terrorist Abuse in Non-Profit Organisations (FATF)
- Guidance on Criminalising Terrorist Financing – Recommendation 5 (FATF)
- Best Practices on Combating the Abuse of Non-Profit Organisations – Recommendation 8 (FATF)
- Public Statement on the Financing of ISIL, Al Qaeda and Affiliates (FATF)
- Financing of the Terrorist Organisation Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (FATF)
- Global Terrorism Database
- Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing (FATF)
Proliferation Financing
- Challenges for Counter-Proliferation Finance and Sanctions Control in Banking (RUSI)
- Jersey Customs & Immigration Service (JCIS)
- Guidance on Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment and Mitigation (FATF)
- Typologies Report on Proliferation financing (FATF)
- Combatting Proliferation Financing: A Status Report on Policy Development and Consultation (FATF)
- Guidance on Counter Proliferation Financing (FATF)
- Public Statement on Counter Proliferation Financing (FATF)
- Best Practices and Guidelines on the Fight against Proliferation Financing (FATF)
- United Nations Security Council Panel of Experts Reports (UNSC)
- Project Alpha. Comprehensive database of open-source PF case studies (Centre for Science and Security Studies, King’s College London)
- Study of Typologies of Financing of WMD Proliferation (King’s College London)
- Nuclear and missile developments in North Korea through open-source materials (STIMSON Centre)
- Academic research on dual-use and export control policies (SIPRI)
- Proliferation reports (CNAS)
- Countering Proliferation Finance: An Introductory Guide for Financial Institutions (RUSI)
- Peddling Peril Index (PPI) (Institute for Science and International Security)
- North Korean Proliferation Financing and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (RUSI)
- Trade Sanctions circumvention (GOV UK)
- UK Financial Sanctions Guidance (GOV UK)
- Sanctions Thematic Review (GFSC)
- Global Advisory on Russian sanctions evasion (GOV UK)
- Russian Oil Services Ban (GOV UK)
- Operating within counter-terrorism legislation, counter-terrorism sanctions and export control (GOV UK)
- Ownership and Control: Public Officials and Control guidance (GOV UK)
- Financial sanctions guidance for charities and NPO sector (GOV UK)
- Financial sanctions guidance for maritime shipping (GOVUK)
- Guidance on ransomware and sanctions (GOV UK)
- Guidance on financial sanctions implementation for high value dealers (GOV UK)
- Guidance on financial sanctions implementation for importers and exporters (GOV UK)
- Financial Sanctions Evasion, Money Laundering & Cultural Property Trafficking Through the Art Storage Sector - January 2024 (UK NECC)
FATF Guidance incorporating red flags
- Banking Sector (FATF)
- Accountancy Sector (FATF)
- Legal Sector (FATF)
- Trust and Company Service Providers (FATF)
- Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (FATF)
- Real Estate Agents (FATF)
- Casinos and Gaming Sector (FATF)
- Money or Value Transfer Services (FATF)
- Securities Sector (FATF)
- Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers (FATF)
- Life Insurance Sector (FATF)
- Correspondent Banking Services (FATF)
- Trade-Based Money Laundering (FATF)
- Real estate transactions (FATF)
- Concealment of Beneficial Ownership (FATF)
- Politically Exposed Persons – Recommendations 12 and 22 (FATF)
- Proliferation financing (FATF)
- Gold transactions (FATF)
- Virtual Assets (FATF)
- Human Trafficking (FATF)
- Illegal Wildlife Trade (FATF)
- Professional Money Laundering (FATF)
- VAT Carousel Fraud (FATF)
- Migrant Smuggling (FATF)
- Red flag indicators of NPO abuse in TF activities (MENAFATF)
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Structure and Legislation - January 2023 (Gov.je)
- Jersey AML/CFT Typologies (2008) (Gov.je)
- Jersey AML/CFT Typologies (2015) (Gov.je)
- Jersey AML/CFT Typologies (2023) (Gov.je)
- News and resources on financial crime (Gov.je)
- State of Jersey Police Reports and updates (Gov.je)
- States of Jersey Police statistics and updates (Gov.je)
- Judgements with connection to financial crime (Gov.je)
- Guidance on countries with higher risk of facilitating terrorist financing (gov.je)
- Suspicious activity report industry feedback is available on the Jersey Financial Intelligence Unit’s LinkedIn page
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