
Comsure offers highly experienced and capable facilitators who deliver a range of training and personal development options to people across all levels of your organisation, from Board to new entrants. Mathew Beale has built a deserved reputation as being one of the leading experts in offshore regulatory training.

We are pleased to host regular public events which explain the latest regulatory and legal changes, industry trends and of course provide AML/CFT refresher sessions. 

Our trainers incorporate a stimulating combination of real-life experiences, case studies incorporating clear realistic examples emphasising the practical rather than the theoretical. 

Training can be bespoke to each client ensuring we meet your particular needs and requirements. We specialise in executive training and can assess the effectiveness of your Board. We can also now provide online training and testing which allows people to complete when it best suits them and the business.

Public Training

Comsure hosts regular public workshops, seminars and conferences to tackle critical issues.

Typical topics include money laundering, governance and cybersecurity, AML updates and refresher training.

We use a stimulating combination of real life experience, case studies and clear realistic examples, with a focus on the practical rather than the theoretical delivered by industry experts.

In-house Training

Rather than send employees to a public event, why not have it in house?

In-house training allows clients to have a more customised fit-for-purpose learning solution that focuses on the particular requirements for your organisation.

You get to choose the time and place, meaning more convenience for you with content tailored to meet your particular needs. Whether this is a Board assessment, team 'lunch 'n learn' sessions or AML/CFT refresher sessions.

Online Training

Comsure Offers bespoke online training and testing designed to suit your organisation requirements.


Comsure can provide singular tests or an ongoing series throughout the year, whichever you prefer.

Cyber - Online Training

Comsure is offering an online, instructor-led, self-paced certification cyber training programmes